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Annual Community Cause Focused on Animal Protection

Two pet food drives that collected more than 600 pounds of dog and cat food and sponsorship of local South Jersey community events that benefited animal shelters and a wildlife refuge. Those are the highlights of PAWsome in ’24, Bovio Rubino Services’ community cause for 2024.

Woodford Cedar Run Wildlife Refuge, Homeward Bound Pet Adoption Center and the Voorhees Animal Orphanage were the organizations that benefited from Bovio Rubino Service sponsorships and its team members’ own generosity.

“PAWsome in ’24 gave Bovio Rubino Service a way to help unwanted and stray pets and animals in South Jersey. There is great need and we saw firsthand how many hundreds of animals are in shelters waiting for forever homes,” said Angela Rubino Hines, Co-Principal of Bovio Rubino Service.

PAWsome in ’24 recognized the needs of animals in our community by supporting organizations that lovingly care for and protect both pets and wildlife.

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